D歌存放係 "外置HDD" 播放 , 係唔係會影響音質
有師兄話會影響音質究竟係唔係真 ? ching 全世界現在都講緊玩cas
我諗你要睇多d post76 你有機有USB外置HDD點解你唔自己聽下要去問其他人?
唔通人地話有咁就有? 係囉,其實人係有羊群心理。 回復 1# 丁蟹
師兄,小弟認為用咩SSD或者咩Hard disk分別係有,不過應該極極極極極不明顯,數碼野只係Data,理論上有差距都只係好細,如果自己聽唔出分別,不需要太在意,別人的意見只是參考,可以試試先,如果覺得內置harddisk好咪買個lor,反正harddisk唔貴。 回復丁蟹
師兄,小弟認為用咩SSD或者咩Hard disk分別係有,不過應該極極極極極不明顯,數碼野只係Data ...
odin1983 發表於 2011-9-28 20:46 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Absolutely no difference at all.Most of the better audio file players actually load the files into the RAM before playing them... If you care about the "noise" produced by any moving objects, you may use a NAS that locate in another room and use wifi / ethernet to access the data. If you use notebook as transport, you could use ssd for the notebook and plays files from the NAS. 0岩0岩早兩日買0左隻 NAS..... 玩緊無腦airplay....{:6_238:} 0岩0岩早兩日買0左隻 NAS..... 玩緊無腦airplay....
jackiewong518 發表於 2011-9-28 22:35 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
audio-gd usb 直入NAS? 另一隻NAS? audio-gd usb 直入NAS? 另一隻NAS?
liclic 發表於 2011-9-29 14:09 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
NAS -> router -> wireless -> airport express -> optical -> DAC -> amp
用ipad 做remote....無腦播歌....