Where to buy Belden 8471 at the lowest price??
Can anyone tell me Where to buy Belden 8471 at the lowest price??Thanks a lot! 好似話秋記平啲喎???{:6_141:} 我都係秋姐到買 ka.........{:6_182:} 去33 search8471 , 我都係果到買, OK~ 秋姐 how much 去33 search8471, is it referring to the father website??Thank you 本帖最後由 fokfok 於 2011-9-24 12:21 編輯秋記...係 $5.50/FEET...我最近先買完60呎畀後置用{:6_134:}
你可以去ssp 高x/x嗚...佢地標價 $6/呎..76卡9拆...不過就成日同你黑面囉...唔多想答你嘢囉{:6_244:}
去邊度買...自己決定啦{:6_177:} thx c-hings for advice, I will try r33 contacts first and then 秋記thx 去33 search8471, is it referring to the father website??Thank you
mnmxxxx 發表於 2011-9-24 07:01 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
係呀, 4.5一呎, 個叔叔好好人, 我買70呎仲平左10蚊俾我