Himedia 600c一問
請問用緊Himedia 600c既師兄可否告知小弟, Himedia 600c可唔可以 bitstream DTS-MA / TrueHD同播放BD-ISO 時出BD Menu??Himedia 600c一問
Bitstream dts-hd 同truehd無問題!但無bd menu.....- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用 本帖最後由 Overnite 於 2011-9-25 00:42 編輯
LPCM的聲道有時會調亂,DD TRUE HD 和 DTS MA 就沒有大問題。
Upgrade firmware 後可以出到BD內的menu。 本帖最後由 samnet1 於 2011-9-27 11:26 編輯
LPCM的聲道有時會調亂,DD TRUE HD 和 DTS MA...
Overnite 發表於 2011-9-25 00:35 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Upgrade firmware 後可以出到BD內的menu。
==> What is the latest Firmware version??
==> I use the HD600a Firmware [ 2011.09.02 发布 ] but I cannot find BD內的menu
Thanks!! 回復 5# samnet1
If you load an ISO file, the menu screen will load, just like you watch using a bluray player.
But I also found some movies do not work, e.g, Joey Yung 2009 Concert. 回復samnet1
If you load an ISO file, the menu screen will load, just like you watch using a blur ...
Overnite 發表於 2011-9-27 12:54 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Oh!I see !!
I play with Blu-ray ISO file also , HD600a cannot have the Blu-ray Opening Menu.
Noted that some of the Bllu-ray ISO file cannot be seen on such Menu. 港產bd 應可出menu