將 Motorola Droid Bionic 導入車內中控台及後座螢幕 (轉載)
轉載自 engadget 中文版http://www.blogcdn.com/www.engadget.com/media/2011/09/bionichack3-20110919-1316466205.jpg
如果你有一輛愛車,又是一個改裝愛好者,同時又恰好有一部 Motorola Droid Bionic 手機,那麼別讓它的功能浪費,尤其是 Webtop 的部份。那麼如何實現這個與眾不同的改裝呢?首先把 Webtop 底座進行修改,把mini-HDMI 接口和電源接口粘結在一起,然後將影片輸出連線和車內的中央控制台顯示器相連,當然後座的也要做一個鏡像連線,這樣前後都可以看到 Droid Bionic 的輸出影像。手機的 LTE 網絡可以支援 Netflix 這樣的在線流媒體播放,所以你可以通過此螢幕看到不同的影片。當然,我們仍然不建議您在開車的時候觀看影片 (後排乘客可以看看),但實時導航倒也是個用處,一切安全為首。如果你也打算嘗試下,不妨參考改裝的全過程圖片 ...
Car dock hack. HDMI out to car audio/video (webtop/mirror/netflix)
Wassup everyone. This is my first contribution to this forum. I've had the first Droid, Droid X, and now the Droid Bionic. I was lucky enough to get the package deal from Costco. And of course I rooted it right when I got home! =)
First off, I already had an audio/video setup for my car(ps2/dvd/hdtv tuner,reverse camera) but thought it would be cool to integrate my new phone so I could stream Netflix to all my screens. To my surprise, webtop was a welcomed side effect to my hack. Now I just need to buy a bluetooth keyboard and mouse. (anyone wanna donate? :P)
- First I took apart the car dock and grinded/drilled an opening so I could fit the micro hdmi cable.
- Then I docked the phone. Then aligned and plugged in the micro hdmi into the phone.
- I then epoxied the hdmi onto the case and let it dry.
- The stock power port was adjusted to match with the hdmi port and epoxied that as well.
- I put everything back together.
I wasn't planning to do a write-up of my hack but thought I would share. Here are my after thought photos. Sorry, I took some photos with the Bionic, but mostly the with my OG Droid. Btw, Doing this method on the standard home dock will also unlock the webtop.
http://www.inspiredmotorsports.com/temp/Bionic/chdmi/1.jpg http://www.inspiredmotorsports.com/temp/Bionic/chdmi/2.jpg http://www.inspiredmotorsports.com/temp/Bionic/chdmi/3.jpg http://www.inspiredmotorsports.com/temp/Bionic/chdmi/4.jpg http://www.inspiredmotorsports.com/temp/Bionic/chdmi/5.jpg http://www.inspiredmotorsports.com/temp/Bionic/chdmi/6.jpg http://www.inspiredmotorsports.com/temp/Bionic/chdmi/7.jpg http://www.inspiredmotorsports.com/temp/Bionic/chdmi/8.jpg
http://www.inspiredmotorsports.com/temp/Bionic/chdmi/9.jpg http://www.inspiredmotorsports.com/temp/Bionic/chdmi/10.jpg
http://www.inspiredmotorsports.com/temp/Bionic/chdmi/11.jpg http://www.inspiredmotorsports.com/temp/Bionic/chdmi/12.jpg
http://www.inspiredmotorsports.com/temp/Bionic/chdmi/13.jpg http://www.inspiredmotorsports.com/temp/Bionic/chdmi/14.jpg http://www.inspiredmotorsports.com/temp/Bionic/chdmi/15.jpg http://www.inspiredmotorsports.com/temp/Bionic/chdmi/16.jpg http://www.inspiredmotorsports.com/temp/Bionic/chdmi/17.jpg http://www.inspiredmotorsports.com/temp/Bionic/chdmi/18.jpg