本人用緊PowerDVD和Total Media Theater,但不知道怎樣加上Bluray封套。請教各位CHing movie wall? 我rip bluray movie 入hard disc,但我用powerdvd或total media播放軟仵時怎樣search 時可以看到bluray封套?,就如itune可以看到唱片封套來選歌 有冇ching帮帮我呀 ching, 可以睇吓http://www.post76.com/discuss/viewthread.php?from=notice&tid=87128既分享, 我都啱啱整完, 睇吓幫唔幫到你 本帖最後由 DragonI 於 2011-9-30 16:19 編輯
ching, 可以睇吓既分享, 我都啱啱整完, 睇吓幫唔幫到你
kaikaijason 發表於 2011-9-30 12:03 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Thank you Ching to provide this link to me. I already known this link 3 days ago and I am going to do according to his instruction. I also see you post some question to him. Actually I also post his thread. I know this guy who shows on AV Maganize about 5 years ago and I keep this maganize.
Thank you again.