今日咁下個 "network" button , 有 d 咁既 feature. 可以睇 movie, tvb program. 香港買既電視係咪冇左呢 d function? 咁佢個 network 做咩呢? 有冇朋友用 sharp 行貨? 今日咁下個 "network" button , 有 d 咁既 feature. 可以睇 movie, tvb program. 香港買既電視係咪冇左呢 d ...billy997 發表於 2011-9-19 23:41 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Billy 兄,禁入到去播唔播到?在大陸住過一排,佢地係唔會買碟全部都上網睇戲、劇集,我安寬頻時比埋d高清link你試 can play. actually this is the similar function of most of the media player you can find made in china. It is just like the p2p tv program in PC 強烈推介「盲山」 等部電視壞左一定要上去整番部 如果有埋繁中字幕就無敵了 MUD 電視牌子? Sharp 60x50a