matt 發表於 2011-9-19 17:10

本帖最後由 matt 於 2011-9-19 17:12 編輯

actually they already listed 20K, but you want cheaper!
if you did not do homework, how do you know 20K is cheap or not. or you did not care, just pay 20K and take goods away. or you already know every shop listed price is more expensive.
if you find a place is 18K, then told him 18K. he will tell you what he wants. this is logic.

the question is you want the cheapest, seller wnats the highest! nothing wrong!

some of my friends never negotiate, test ok, pay and go. save trouble!
some of my friends, check whole MK price, go to MIC and negotiate with them. get the lowest. they think it is fun!

radhk 發表於 2011-9-19 18:31

本帖最後由 radhk 於 2011-9-19 18:37 編輯

>> actually they already listed 20K, but you want cheaper!

x2. 我都覺得係. 如果樓主朋友覺得20k okay既, 咪比錢. 橫掂你朋友都唔知價. 如果樓主朋友無20k budget, 咪到樓主朋友 "出價" (其實係還價先真).

又要最平, 又無做功課, 其實又講唔過.

P.S. 其實我第一次聽到呢間鋪咁叫人出價法都好奇怪, 不過, 諗清楚咁又唔算黑. 我都幫佢地買過野, 都係我 "出價". 不過, 佢又話做唔到, anyway, 議完價佢地可能比最平都貴dd, 但so far幫親, d 野都無古惑. 所以一般唔係貴太多, 我都會比錢.

commail 發表於 2011-9-19 18:46


胡彬 發表於 2011-9-19 18:52


KING 發表於 2011-9-19 18:55


benjamin 發表於 2011-9-19 19:00

其實我唔覺得呢間野有問題, at least 叫佢試乜都肯, 冇黑臉~~

billy997 發表於 2011-9-19 19:44

It is so funny. I think it is only HK ppl in the world still allow this kind of shops in the market. It closes in the 2nd mth inother countries.

Key reason is ppl doesn't care and just want cheap. Such unreasonable request even some can say 'no problem'. How can such become the responsibility of customer to know theprice in advance? Kidding. May be next time I buy a car or apartment or a pizza, I need to do research first. Ridigious!!!

ericbbc 發表於 2011-9-19 19:46

Very good!
- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用

Thor 發表於 2011-9-19 20:05


lemonstar 發表於 2011-9-19 20:39

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