Diamonds and Rust In The Bullring - Joan Baez
相信好多朋友都知道呢一隻碟, Joan Baez 1988 年係西班牙錄既一隻碟. 今日 LPCDM2+HQ 重新發行. 點都係要入一隻.
民歌天后 Joan Baez 既聲音一聽難忘. {:6_222:} Judy Collins新CD Paradise 也与Joan Baez姐jam 了首Diamond and Rust,两位age 6X,7X大姐jam来很合拍,真有those were the days意味,也不像时下潮star像斗唱似的,听来两位大姐的声也像4X多,keep 得奇好,This CD now on sale...
Diamonds and Rust In The Bullring - Joan Baez
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Diamonds and Rust In The Bullring - Joan Baez
本帖最後由 horace_tsang 於 2011-9-16 08:27 編輯photo attached
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