Lamlamcp 發表於 2011-9-15 08:35

Nuforce HDP + Icon + Amphion speakers? Please advice...

Hi brothers, I lives in Australia, I am a beginner in hi-fi field and would like to set up a simply CAS in my little house, thinking iPad (already owned) + nuforce Icon amp + nuforce HDP + Amphion Argon, Does any ching know where I can buy Amphion speakers in Hong Kong? can't find any agents in hk selling it....

For around HK$ 15-20k what else combination do you suggest? Much appreciated!!!

cheers 發表於 2011-9-15 14:05

i am looking for answer as well. but i use nuforce icon speaker with HDP as preamp and RCA output to icon 1.

what do you use mainly for that system?

Lamlamcp 發表於 2011-9-15 15:07

probably Jazz and POP..

cheers 發表於 2011-9-15 15:14

for Jazz, i prefer tube amp.

stephen915 發表於 2011-9-15 15:27

本帖最後由 stephen915 於 2011-9-15 15:29 編輯

除非真係空間有限,否則15-20k,絕不建議買icon hdp + icon amp,
唔係話佢唔好,不過細size amp始終有一定侷限,



Lamlamcp 發表於 2011-9-15 16:10

thanks for your advice Stephen915.

Personally I have not tried Amphion speaker. In fact I have not owned any proper audio system in my life ever so far.....(so sad..i know..) I bought a little house recently (living room about 150 feet x 160 feet) and wanted to put a CAS system into it. Not sure for a budget of HK$15-20k what should I get if not the HDP + Icon + Amphion.

I have very limited knowledge in hi-fi system, and the more I research on the internet the more I am confused....too many products in the market available and not much money I have got....thanks heaps!!!

stephen915 發表於 2011-9-15 20:09

回復 6# Lamlamcp


簡單d,icon hdp(或其他品牌純dac)加對adam active speaker(內置amp),

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