kinwinglo 發表於 2011-9-15 22:44

sorry samnet1 Ching
actually I use the same model docking as you but my one cannot recognize 2 T HDD dont know why can u help me to solve what the problem is ??
and also my docking box ,there has no stick support 2T HDD ??

samnet1 發表於 2011-9-15 23:21

本帖最後由 samnet1 於 2011-9-15 23:27 編輯

sorry samnet1 Ching
actually I use the same model docking as you but my one cannot recognize 2 T HD ...
kinwinglo 發表於 2011-9-15 22:44

actually I use the same model docking as you but my one cannot recognize 2 T HDD dont know why can u help me to solve what the problem is ??

==> What kind of Window OS that you use ??[ For me, I use WinXP SP3 ] In the very beginning , my computer cannot recognise my docking & I issue the post aksing for help ( see belwo Web-link)... Last but not all, I upgrade the firmware mother board .
電腦認唔到 Century Docking ?? [暫時 已解決 #32 ]

==> You need to Switch on the Dokcing first , then you need to switch on your computer accordingly.

and also my docking box ,there has no stick support 2T HDD ?

==> I bought the docking in Computer Show last month.As I recognized that it stick 2TB HDD label.I bought it accordingly

kinwinglo 發表於 2011-9-16 16:28


我買了century的docking 都係讀唔到大過1t既HDD....
請問會唔會係fireware 既問題呢??我的是7070

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查看完整版本: 請問oppo 95播放機 用哪一只docking 可讀2TB hdd?

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