搜尋光纖網絡接達樓宇 ...
如果大家想知到光纖網絡鋪蓋到自己屋苑未,可以連到 ---> OFTB <--- 自行檢索一下 ...
本登記冊是根據 "光纖網絡接達樓宇自願登記計劃" ("計劃") 而編製,向公眾提供個別住宅樓宇的光纖接達網絡供應情況和類別資料。本登記冊只供參考,用戶應注意下列事 ...
1. 本登記冊就某一樓宇有否設置光纖接達網絡提供資料。
2. 樓宇級別
FTTB ~ 代表光纖到樓的樓宇,光纖網絡安設及連接於樓宇地界以內。
詳情請參閱計劃的 資料便覽(附件的附表 2 第 1 部分) http://www.ofta.gov.hk/images/pdficon.gif。
FTTH ~ 代表光纖到戶的樓宇,光纖網絡設於樓宇之內而可連接至個別用戶的處所。
詳情請參閱計劃的 資料便覽(附件的附表 2 第 2 部分) http://www.ofta.gov.hk/images/pdficon.gif。
# ~ 代表未根據計劃登記的樓宇,歡迎固網營辦商、樓宇的大廈業主立案法團、
管理處和業主 ("法團/管理處")向電訊局提供有關樓宇光纖到樓/光纖到戶情況的資料。
如對計劃有任何查詢,可致電電訊局熱線 (8102 4100)。
3. 列於計劃的登記冊上的光纖到樓樓宇或光纖到戶樓宇,其法團/管理處可自費複製和使用光纖到樓標籤或
光纖到戶標籤。複製及/或使用光纖到樓標籤或光纖到戶標籤,即表示法團/管理處同意接受使用條件約束。 去電訊管理局查吓先! 真係唔知道可以有得查喎! {:6_193:}{:6_193:} 無PCCW既資料的 I got a letter from OFTA a few months ago saying that my house was covered by fiber network.I was so excited so I called up OFTA to find out which ISP reported coverage and was told that it was Hutch.Naturally, I called up Hutch to find out what's going on, but they insist that they don't have anything for my house.
Called back OFTA again, and it turned out that my house has "FTTB" but not "FTTH", so I can't get fiber network at home...But this is total bullshit, because for me FTTB = FTTH as I'm in a freaking house...WTF...Anyways, am still living off a 3Mbps line...Don't get me started...
{:6_153:} 果然超好用!!! {:6_193:} Ching, ths for sharing !!! thx ching
不過有埋係邊咩公司就介好 hehe thx ching
不過有埋係邊咩公司就介好 hehe
全職獵人 發表於 2011-9-19 08:54 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Once you find out that your home is connected, you can call OFTA and they can tell you which ISPs are serving your home.At least what's what I did a few months ago when OFTA told me that my home was connected (turned out to be bullshit, see #4). Thanks , 依家除pccw,其他供應商99.9%都係FTTB , 最大光纖骨幹暫時仲係HGC
FTTN;Fiber To the Node/Neighborhood,光纖到節點或鄰里。
FTTE;Fiber to the Exchange,光纖到交換機。
FTTR;Fiber To the Remote Terminal,光纖到遠端接點。
FTTC;Fiber To the Curb,光纖到街角。
FTTB;Fiber To the Building,光纖到大樓。
FTTZ;Fiber To the Zone,光纖到區域。
FTTO;Fiber to the Office,光纖到辦公室。
FTTH;Fiber To the Home,光纖到府。
FTTD;Fiber to the Desk,光纖到書桌。
FTTP;Fiber to the premises/Premise,光纖到房屋,或房屋連地基;美國運營商Verizon將FTTB及FTTH合稱為光纖到戶。
FTTCab;Fiber To The Cabinet,光纖到交換箱。 奇怪, 我到明明係FTTB , 但OFTA show FTTH