The Brothers Four greatest hits
無意中見到, 不用$100, 首首名曲, 如500 miles, where have all the flowers gone, try to remember ....... 百聽不厭, 錄音比想像中好好多, 鉤起不少回憶,金鍱兩隻, 值得推薦 {:1_351:}Those good oldies. {:1_263:} Those good oldies.
ez1 發表於 2011-9-13 11:30
Bought at HMx yesterday{:1_253:} Go go {:1_245:} Sure go after lunch. {:1_253:} 回復 4# ez1
雖然不是什麼發燒碟, 音質確是幾好, 好有音樂感, 當時的錄音左右聲道分明, 愈聽愈有味道, 愈多回憶, 正 {:1_340:} haha, nice disc... Truely Stereo! 回復 7# winter4
早期錄取, 左右聲道不同男聲 {:1_245:} 回復 8# ANWKLO
Yeah yeah!!!!!!