billy997 發表於 2011-9-11 16:13

60" Sharp 60x50A vs 55" Sony HX920

They are at similar price range, struggling between the 2. Any ching also buying TV and having any comment for the 2 models? I went to broadway and have the following comment:

- The 5 inches are obvious from the actual size
- HX920 is very sharp and 高銳度. 60x50A is more nature.
- HX920 provides very good 3D feel (talking about 2D source), I watched the Dark Night batman driving motor cycle in a shopping mall, that scence HX920 shows good 空間感
- 黑位 both models are good. I think Sharp is more "movie" type where Sony is really sharp and clear.
- Outlook HX920 KO 60x50A 九條街. and it is slim as well.
- sound effect is 60x50A better but I use AV amp thus no use for me
- Color: both models are goods, but still think sony is 誇張 type of presentation may be because of its 高銳度

Still cannot make up the mind. 60" obvious a better pick from size perspecive, but HX920 is good outlook, slim and lighter

dai_cast 發表於 2011-9-11 19:53

I will go to Sony. It is high tech stuff, it uses gorilla glass.

fm31331 發表於 2011-9-11 22:52

回復 1# billy997

stephenwan 發表於 2011-9-11 23:07

回復 1# billy997

你試 tuner, tvb 台, 睇吓 sony,samsung 人面色班, 單睇dvd, samsungsony 靚, 選 tuner, final 我買咗 sharp 60"x50.

billy997 發表於 2011-9-11 23:46

how is this 60x50a comparing to your old TV 50vt30?

billy997 發表於 2011-9-12 01:08

我應該都係會買 60X50A, 因為問左佢洗 RMB20k (1 3d glasses), 反而 Hx920 仲要貴2-3k. 應該會上深圳取貨.

jj3380 發表於 2011-9-12 18:32

我應該都係會買 60X50A, 因為問左佢洗 RMB20k (1 3d glasses), 反而 Hx920 仲要貴2-3k. 應該會上深圳取貨. ...
billy997 發表於 2011-9-12 01:08

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