回覆 Tcflex401 兄 ( 讚 x 2 )
i have also the same question. I am using sound master 2A3 MKII preamp, two power amp, one is Mcintosh 240, one is Jadis Ja30 with focus 788. CDP player use Wadis 6 . Can you suggest me the RCA cable from Wadis 6Cd -> preamp -> Mc 240 / Jadis JA30. Budget 3K to 5K. Want more musical and more solid bass.我真的不敢想像 , 竟然有人懂得用兩部如此靚聲的後級 , Bi-Amp 去推動一對同是靚聲得很的 788...
但我亦同時不明白, 兩部靈敏度完全不同的後級, 如何合作開聲能取得恰當的音量平衡 ??
中產 ~
眾所周知 Mclntosh 的古董機靈敏度很高 , 雖然 JA30 都算高 , 但都不及 MC240 ,
我假設 TcFlex 兄是以 JA30推788的高音( HF ), MC240 推低音( LF ) , 開聲後應該低音部份會比
高音 "大聲" 很多, 若由我處理 ( 以我個人的音色喜好為準 ) , 我會在 SM 2A3 去 MC240之前, 自製
加一個無源音量衰減旋鈕 , 勁有錢買 Cello , 中上產買 Matisse , 最圯起碼都要 東京光音波 , 以夾
JA30 和 MC240 為準 , 50k VR 左右最靚聲, 當攪兩部後級靈敏度, 再說換線不遲 。
勁有米 ~
1. 賣掉 JA30 , 多買一部 MC275 推 LF , MC240改推 HF .
2. 賣掉 MC240 , 多買一部 JA80 推 LF , JA30 依舊推 HF .
Jadis ~ Wadis 6 , Jadis JA-30 , Mclntosh MC 240 , Focus Audio FA788都是很好的東西 , 前級不知閣下的是 No.23 還是 23 MKII, 如果是者後者, 更摧完美 , 好好玩好這套組合 , 你會發現樂趣無窮 .
Jadis 回復 2# Jadis
Sorry , i mislead you. I don't use two power amp at the same time. Your suggestion is good for me and let me try later. I sometimes, change the speaker cable to MC 240 and sometime to Jadis JA30. I am using Sound master 23 MKII pro preamp. Therefore, i would like you to suggest the RCA from wadis 6 to Pre amp and to power amp for these two module ( use separately ). Sorry for mislead you tcflex401 , No need sorry .
除了Waids 6 , Jadis JA-30 , Mclntosh MC 240 , Focus Audio FA788都是嬌柔淒美, 音樂感強烈的"潤"底器材 , 用到這個不錯的級別 . 更換線材應以提升本身效果為主 .
Wadis 6 -> A.Q. Colorado 72v DBS -> S.M. 23 Pro II -> NBS Dragron Fly -> JA-30
Wadis 6 -> Cardas Golden Reference -> A.Q. Colorado 72v DBS - > MC-240
這裡三對線用在兩套不同的後級中 , 可以慳了一對線的錢 , 慳下的錢, 就請我喝茶吧( Just Joke ) 回復 4# Jadis
Really thanks for your help. I still have some minor questions to know . Bother you again
1.i have another SACD player Musical fidelity KWSACD player. Can you suggest the RCA cable to preamp for my combo
2. What's the sound character for my old Wadia 6CD and what's the comment.
3. Can you give me thecharacters ofthe RCA cable that you suggest to me so that i can mix it to use ?
This is the last questions that i bother you