22" Monitor
Gave away my 17" to my mom, now want to buy a 22" LCD monitor, is dell the suitable choice???? any comments? 我都好小留意, 我都係睇 dell多, 不過 radhk兄話 philips都ok~~~~你會買 16:10定 4:3 mon??? 24" la~
dont buy 22" 原帖由 小瑟 於 2007-6-13 11:15 發表 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
我都好小留意, 我都係睇 dell多, 不過 radhk兄話 philips都ok~~~~
你會買 16:10定 4:3 mon???
16:10 is prefer XD 原帖由 tree 於 2007-6-13 13:15 發表 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
24" la~
dont buy 22"
我仲有部17" EZIO mon用黎執相既... 我都想加部24" 不過display card唔係dual dvi... 依家買agp card唔係好適合... 唉.. 點好 會唔會考慮samsung呀???
有個成個電視機果個設計, 幾靚仔呀!! 最後入左samsung 226BW.. 依家22" + 17" 真係好開心 :lol :lol 幾鬼死勁, mon都兩隻~Smilies014