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本帖最後由 kc123 於 2011-9-6 22:54 編輯TV - Hitachi 42 inch Plasma
AMP : Onkyo TX-SR606
Front Speaker B&W DM1600 (20 yrs old)
Center KLipch RC25 (2nd hand)
sub : Velodyn CHT-10
HTPC with Blue Ray ROM and an ATI 6450 Graphic card which does bitstreaming. The Gold HTPC case which house upto 5 Hard-disks any photos to share ar? Ching, how's the performace of ATI 6450? 師兄唔好咁孤寒, 影多幾張相啦
你連腳都影埋, 但又連後置都唔影 {:1_262:} 回復 4# leo25
ching 其實想影自已隻腳...........{:6_174:} 回復leo25
ching 其實想影自已隻腳...........
edlsang 發表於 2011-9-6 23:09
andy328 發表於 2011-9-6 23:12
My home
司兄得一張相,重要影得一半!叫大點睇呀!- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用 本帖最後由 kc123 於 2011-9-6 23:26 編輯
sorry sorry, add more tomorrow when there are more rear speakers are not very good, better not show......but I am able to throw away all my DVD, CD player altogether and use my HTPC only. The AMP will do the decoding anyway. The performance of the graphic card is ok la....i bought it becoz it supports bitstreaming.The design of cabinet is open to provide more air house the sub as well.....
其實我對腳先至系主角。。嘻嘻 sorry sorry, add more tomorrow when there are more rear speakers are not very good, be ...
kc123 發表於 2011-9-6 23:21
好嘢.....師兄! 你喺得嘅! {:6_162:} {:6_162:}