lego_cyris 發表於 2011-9-5 15:22

回復 13# blindfaith3by8

其實都幾 Short,Keyboard 都玩一餐 {:6_136:}

blindfaith3by8 發表於 2011-9-5 15:42

本帖最後由 blindfaith3by8 於 2011-9-5 15:45 編輯


其實都幾 Short,Keyboard 都玩一餐
lego_cyris 發表於 2011-9-5 15:22

    {:6_147:} 但keyboard 就好似SSD咁........u cant go back.... =.=
b4我係用razer X MS 個LED keyboard (好似$4xx-$5xx)用左冇1yr 有只keycap 甩色...... =.="
then.....見到Deck....想買....點知hk又out of stock ......ssp仲話吾知會吾會再有貨.......見到有ching 用左冇6months 就放...仲要好價 !%))

official web site+shipping要 $ 26xx hkd

qwe456 發表於 2011-9-5 22:17


其實都幾 Short,Keyboard 都玩一餐
lego_cyris 發表於 2011-9-5 15:22

    Hehe...I lost my IBM Model M keyboard ~ten years ago when I moved...Then around eight years ago, I found a shop in SSP selling IBM keyboards (PS/2, but with the Windows key and a bunch of useless function keys) -- no longer the good ol' Model M mechanical ones, but close enough for what it is.So I bought a stack of them (four or five), and I probably still have another one or two in my storage...I start to wonder what I should do when I run out!It also appears that the mobos might not have PS/2 connectors anymore in a few years' time...   {:5_87:}
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