vchai 發表於 2011-9-4 15:08




A phone that differentiates it self from the norm of a smartphone and incorporates the physical product into the interaction with what's on the screen, creating a unified experience.

After the introduction of the smartphone, the industrial design of the devices has converged into all looking more or less the same. Due to the touchbased interaction every smartphone device is now a flat rectangle with a screen on it, making it difficult for both the user and the manufactures to differentiate the devices from each other. This phone is trying to change that. The unique form and unique way of interacting with it, is supposed to set it apart from other phones, but more importantly it's supposed to add value for the user, making the experience of using a smartphone even more exiting and engaging.

The phone has 3 screens that can be transformed in different ways depending on what the user wants to do with it. Having 3 screens on a phone opens up a number of possibilities in dealing with the content on the device. Because people no longer only use their phone as a comunication device. It's more and more used for the things, we usually use our laptops for, but with the limited screen real estate on phones, there are still boundaries for what you can do.

But with the ability to expand your content onto multiple screens or having multiple apps running on separate screens, it's possible for the user to do a lot more productive, and creative things.

Flip phone is based on a concept concieved during a 6 week long workshop done by my self Kristian Ulrich Larsen, Ewa Sendecka, Jeppe Vestergård and Victoria Kusk. It was then developed further for a semester by me Kristian Ulrich Larsen as part of my MA program.

teddyng637 發表於 2011-9-4 15:31

設計就好特別, 但要用時有啲晤方便, 可能要改善一吓! {:6_175:}{:6_175:}

edlsang 發表於 2011-9-4 15:36

設計就好特別 , 吾知用係邊個品牌上..........
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查看完整版本: 嶄新設計三屏幕電話

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