Velodyne MicroVee vs Mirage MM8
If compare with these 2 subwoofer, which one is more good/suit for about only 100ft area? Many many thanks to all ching~~~ 100尺,8"唔係好夠喎 If compare with these 2 subwoofer, which one is more good/suit for about only 100ft area? Many many...cupnoodleman 發表於 2011-8-31 15:14
first thing its.. Velodyne MicroVeeits very hard to sell away on 2nd hand market
mm8 its good... as i know some saids 8" its too small for 100ft .... but i try at tomlee showroom... they dont have 100ft... but close... and its still great~~!!! 我用緊mm8 , 個廳大約三百尺 .
我覺得夠用, 當然唔能夠打到心口, 但一般睇戲聽歌完全冇問題 Oh........thanks all ching
It seems that use MM8 is better ...... ニ選一,我揀Mirage MM8{:6_177:} 如果唔係追求打心口, 強勁低頻都夠用, 二揀一我揀MM8 MM 8的確唔錯嘅,要低頻融入整體聲效中它絕對勝任 點解唔唸埋800i呀???{:6_182:} 我都係大約100呎, MM8夠包圍感嗎?