vchai 發表於 2011-8-31 08:08

CyanogenMod7: 把 Android 放到 HP TouchPad 上吧! (轉載)


在 xda 論壇上已經合資到 $2,000 獎金,供首名成功把 HP TouchPad 運行 Android 的人領取,利誘下必定有勇夫!果然事隔不久,在外國 rootzwiki 論壇上,網主收到來自 CyanogenMod 團隊的信,指他們已經著手開發 HP TouchPad 的 CM7 ,並附上一個 Alpha 版的視頻,在影片中可以 Android gingerbread 2.3.5 CM7 Mod 已經成功在 HP TouchPad 上啟動,可算是成功了一半。CyanogenMod 團隊更表示,他們已經開發了一個 Multiboot 的方案,讓用家開機時可以在 Android 及 WebOS 間選擇。相信有這 Android Mod 老大哥站出來的話,各位 Android 迷大可以安心地等待 HP TouchPad 運行 Android 之日了!


CyanogenMod 團隊致 RootzWiki 的信 :

Hey Internet/RootzWiki–

Here is some (older) touchpad progress from Friday. The Cyanogenmod team wanted to share it with the public as a blatant publicity stunt to bring attention to our need for a few more touchpads (for developers currently working without them).

As you can see from this quick demo, we’ve been working hard and have made progress. Since this video was created last week, the build has been more "tabletized" (tablet tweaks added, etc.), lvm support has been added, and 2d hardware acceleration should appear very soon.

The touchscreen driver issue is now the focus of our attention.

Our ultimate vision is to create a *multiboot* solution where the end user will be able to boot into WebOS, Cyanogenmod, and/or other OSes. This appears to be very possible, and we have discussed several potential implementations with our new friends in the WebOS development community to make it easy for an end-user to set up.

For the moment though, we need about 4 tablets, as we have talented and experienced developers who cannot contribute effectively due to a lack of hardware. If you have an extra touchpad and are willing to help the cause, please let us know in the comments below.

A BIG CAVEAT– PLEASE DO NOT ASK FOR ETAS. For the uninitiated, this is the #1 rule for Cyanogenmod. It will certainly be a long while before our goals become reality. Our goals incidentally are not connected with any bounty– we are motivated to do it right, not do it fast.

And now the obligatory shout outs– Thanks to rootzwiki and all the devs and everyone else who are collaborating and contributing to this project. You know who you are, you.

The CM team

SonSon 發表於 2011-8-31 09:03


teddyng637 發表於 2011-8-31 09:53

繼續努力, 希望完全解破到啦! {:6_236:}{:6_236:}

spadeace 發表於 2011-8-31 09:58


vchai 發表於 2011-8-31 10:24

spadeace 發表於 2011-8-31 09:58


wrxgc8 發表於 2011-8-31 10:50


blindfaith3by8 發表於 2011-8-31 11:41


kenneth529 發表於 2011-8-31 12:56


emuho888 發表於 2011-8-31 20:27

回復 8# kenneth529


vchai 發表於 2011-8-31 22:46

回復 9# emuho888

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查看完整版本: CyanogenMod7: 把 Android 放到 HP TouchPad 上吧! (轉載)

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