劉一舟 發表於 2008-11-6 14:13

《巴比倫密碼》Babylon A.D. (實物圖在第2頁)

本帖最後由 劉一舟 於 2009-1-7 01:34 編輯


The Blu-ray Disc features the 101-minute unrated cut with the following features: 
[*]1080P Widescreen[*]English 5.1 DTS-HD Master Audio[*]French DD5.1 Surround[*]English, French, Spanish, Chinese and Korean subtitles[*]BD Exclusive: Interactive “Scene Evolution” in BonusVIEW Mode:[*]Exterior Housing Project[*]Toorop’s Apartment (With Explosion)[*]Gorsky’s Armored Convoy[*]Gaz Limo on Magnet[*]The Convent[*]The Marketplace[*]Trans-Siberian Train Interior[*]Night Club: The Hackers[*]Night Club: Fight Scene[*]Night Club: Cage Fight[*]The Stampede to the Russian Sub[*]Russian Sub Interior[*]Snowmobile Chase[*]Snowmobile Explosion: Toorop is Hit[*]Harlem Square Shootout[*]Darquandier’s Laboratory[*]Darquandier’s Laboratory: Memory Machine[*]Babylon Babies –How author Maurice G. Dantec’s novel went from page to screen[*]Arctic Escape – An inside look at the snow mobile chase[*]Fit For The Screen – A featurette about the martial arts and stunts of the film[*]Flight of the Hummers – The exciting Humvee chase is dissected[*]Genesis of Aurora – A graphic novel prequel to Babylon A.D.[*]Still gallery[*]2nd disc with a Digital Copy of the theatrical cut)

Single-Disc Edition: A double-sided disc features both the US theatrical (90mins) and unrated (101mins) cuts with the following features: 
[*]1.85:1 Anamorphic Widescreen[*]English DD5.1 Surround[*]French and Spanish Dolby Surround[*]English, French and Spanish subtitles[*]Babylon Babies –How author Maurice G. Dantec’s novel went from page to screen[*]Arctic Escape – An inside look at the snow mobile chase[*]An inside look at Behind Enemy Lines: Colombia

2-Disc Special Edition with Digital Copy: The unrated cut is included with the following features: 
[*]1.85:1 Anamorphic Widescreen[*]English DD5.1 Surround[*]French and Spanish Dolby Surround[*]English, French and Spanish subtitles[*]Babylon Babies –How author Maurice G. Dantec’s novel went from page to screen[*]Arctic Escape – An inside look at the snow mobile chase[*]Fit For The Screen – A featurette about the martial arts and stunts of the film[*]Flight of the Hummers – The exciting Humvee chase is dissected[*]Genesis of Aurora – A graphic novel prequel to Babylon A.D.[*]Still gallery[*]2nd disc with a Digital Copy of the theatrical cut)

[ 本帖最後由 劉一舟 於 2008-11-8 02:09 編輯 ]

小瑟 發表於 2008-11-6 14:15


劉一舟 發表於 2008-11-6 14:29

原帖由 小瑟 於 2008-11-6 14:15 發表 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

完全同意,之後啲動作片差唔多仆晒,係 "湊仔型警" 收過億!!!Smilies025 所以咪要做衰仔食番回頭草拍令佢一舉成名的 "狂野極速"第四集囉!!!;P

[ 本帖最後由 劉一舟 於 2008-11-6 14:32 編輯 ]

lukalok 發表於 2008-11-6 15:11


282000 發表於 2008-11-6 18:09

原帖由 小瑟 於 2008-11-6 14:15 發表 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

《Find Me Guilty》呢套06年喜劇片都好好笑多Gag位

[ 本帖最後由 282000 於 2008-11-6 18:11 編輯 ]

劉一舟 發表於 2008-12-11 17:01



吉田 發表於 2008-12-11 23:39

初來佈到,Smilies024 同各位C兄打個招呼先。有楊小姐的荷李活片,除左套007外,沒有一套收得!

劉一舟 發表於 2008-12-16 17:08

50GB容量,AVC畫面,DTS-HD MA5.1音效,批發價$200!!!

[ 本帖最後由 劉一舟 於 2008-12-16 23:25 編輯 ]

DVD迷 發表於 2008-12-16 21:34

講到光頭佬,呢套都唔係好好睇嫁,我睇到...悶死!Smilies025 Smilies025

law1987 發表於 2008-12-17 02:16

原帖由 劉一舟 於 2008-12-16 17:08 發表 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
50GB容量,AVC畫面,DTS-HD MA5.1音效,批發價$200!!!
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查看完整版本: 《巴比倫密碼》Babylon A.D. (實物圖在第2頁)

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