ttkai322 發表於 2011-8-31 01:03

Hottoys Mark V出貨前聲明

以下內容轉載自Toy Hunters Facebook :

各位fans期待已久的Hot Toys《鐵甲奇俠2》Mark V限量版珍藏人偶即將登陸Toy Hunters!



希望顧客會喜歡這款產品及欣賞Hot Toys團隊在開發這款複雜產品上所花的各種心思。


**Hot Toys及Toy Hunters保留最終決定權。

After much expectation, the Mark V Limited Edition Collectible Figurine from the Iron Man 2 movie will be released soon!

Because this is one of our company’s most complicated products, each product has undergone over hundred steps of production and painting process.
Therefore, there may be little discrepancy between each of the product. We hope that fans can be understandable and noted that we are aiming at producing high quality products as a whole and focusing on the interestingness of the products, so shall not just focus on picking the imperfection.

Besides, since this product has obvious battle damaged effects on the armor, the scratches appeared are parts of the effects only.

Our company has invested more resources and strengthened the manpower on the quality control before the products are released in market. If there are serious and obvious problems of the products, we are willing to provide replacement services. If there are just minor discrepancy which does not affect the outlook of the figure, our company shall reserve the right on replacement decision.

We hope that fans will like this product and appreciate our efforts devoted to developing this complicated product.

If there is any query, please don’t hesitate to consult our store staff.

**Hot Toys and Toy Hunters reserve the right for final decisions.

ttkai322 發表於 2011-8-31 01:08

小弟既對遍文理解係 1 份次貨聲明......{:6_192:}

inagawa 發表於 2011-8-31 16:26

無辦法啦. hk 人 鐘意用放大鏡收貨.......

同埋大部份人當ht 係一種投資. 都唔係用黎玩既. ht d 野又係mic . 有defeat 一定有. 人地上面d民工一個月都得個 幾百蚊. 油到眼都盲埋.

不過ht 應該出理解市場需要. 出pie 無 defeat 既. 買多一倍價錢就番 d hk人嗎.

Maldini 發表於 2011-9-1 17:23

Hottoys Mark V出貨前聲明


- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用

j.w 發表於 2011-9-1 17:41

回復 4# Maldini

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