改一改佢順口d....... 為搏紅顏一笑, 呢鋪真係食樹皮都要! {:6_174:}
好男人呀師兄! {:6_193:} 師兄,你老細真識貨{:6_195:} 回復 11# sclendan
好文釆呀ching!{:6_236:} 回復 12# dragonyam
佢緊係識貨, 宮崎駿件件都係貴野.{:6_202:}
屋企有一個龍貓專櫃, 入面o既收藏品多到嚇死人.{:6_201:} 本帖最後由 sclendan 於 2011-8-30 12:38 編輯
回復 14# queenman
咁正! 咁可否代向嫂夫人請求, 影幾張"東洋山珍"照俾我地大開眼界呢? {:6_195:}
至於件件貴野, 無所謂啦, 睇師兄個list果3行"BMW", 呢d貴野對你黎講係閒錢姐..... {:6_122:} 回復dragonyam
佢緊係識貨, 宮崎駿件件都係貴野.
屋企有一個龍貓專櫃, 入面o既收藏品多 ...
queenman 發表於 2011-8-30 12:00 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
咁有品味... Saw the Japan ver. at 2/F Oriental 188 (Wan Chai). Saw the Japan ver. at 2/F Oriental 188 (Wan Chai).
beginners 發表於 2011-8-30 13:42 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
THANKS Ching 報料!{:6_128:}
可唔可以睇o下齊唔齊, 同埋幾錢倒?
因為我住新界, 驚白行.{:6_146:} THANKS Ching 報料!
可唔可以睇o下齊唔齊, 同埋幾錢倒?
因為我住 ...
queenman 發表於 2011-8-30 14:06 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Sorry, will not go to there soon...just went to there 2 weeks ago and it cost around HK$6,xx.... They have all 借東西, 天空之城和風之谷.{:6_236:} 回復 19# beginners
thanks anyway, 搵日去睇睇先