Dual Ground Cardas hook up wires PC
頭用Wimar, 尾用瑞士IEC. 用了兩條Cardas 11.5 awg hook up wires 一火一中及兩條14 awg 作地編織成。插在amp 效果令人滿意 (聲音豐滿,屬厚聲,分析力跟我用開的Solen Litz 及 棉質絕緣4N 銅線一樣; 初以為高音會差一點,但 {:1_255:} ,同樣清脆。)
有興趣看看:http://archive.avsforum.com/avs-vb/showthread.php?threadid=38679 Good Job!{:6_193:} 上星期手痕,整了條線,煲了幾天後,試完音,亮下相:
頭用Wimar, 尾用瑞士IEC. 用了兩條Cardas 11.5 a ...
Alman 發表於 2011-8-27 02:47 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Hi...Why do you need two earth wires?! 回復 3# qwe456
This recipe was released yeas ago.I just found it on Audio Asylum.Give it a try due to its simplicity and quite positive feedback.
The design was based on those from Wire World and Synergistic Research. Here are some of the comments from the designer:
"The power cord geometry is extremely effective at reducing RFI and EMI and providing a good degree of isolation between the ac outlets"