r32 發表於 2011-8-24 23:57



An entirely new DLP projector, which is also premiering at IFA 2011, will be available for retail shortly.
The projector has the potential to become the new flagship 3D device thanks to its enhanced depth effects, cinema quality colour reproduction and sharp motion sequences, even during fast-paced action and sports scenes.
Technical highlights of the product include a new anti-ghosting strategy and a frame rate converter, which generates up to four times the actual number of images present.
An intelligent 2D/3D converter uses a new process to prepare 2D film material to create astounding depth effects with realistic 3D-effects.
In addition, Mitsubishi Electric offers innovative high-speed shutter glasses (also newly developed) for brighter and more brilliant images to take the home cinema experience to a new level.

shing517 發表於 2011-8-25 00:11


r32 發表於 2011-8-26 21:31


美國的專業投影機評比網站projectorcentral.com 已經率先試用(非正式評比,因三菱要在9月初才會正式發表)三菱的HC7800,訂價USD 3495,

3D: 3D畫面是目前為止最佳者,cross-talk低至幾乎完全看不見,也沒有不自然的動態雜訊干擾;該網站說之前測試Panasonic AE7000的3D效果已經極佳,HC7800更上層樓.



ps. HC7800確定成為全球第一台價位在3500美金以下,擁有電動光圈的1080p DLP投影機。(之前中低價位DLP投影機,如HC3800, HC4000, Optoma HD20....等 都沒有電動光圈)

r32 發表於 2011-8-26 21:50

avs : 30ES vs HC7800 vs PT-AE7000 until this year end.
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