-Scandal- 發表於 2011-8-23 23:15

KING 發表於 2011-8-23 23:10 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

多謝你地既回覆先 我都覺得CD100 把聲真係幾暖 因為個間有shanling 既係最後先去 未試清楚
只係知道暖聲 分析力唔知點 又未聽過結他既聲係點

liclic 發表於 2011-8-23 23:17

我部6003 分析力唔好,不過換條PC 就唔同晒...

leo25 發表於 2011-8-23 23:17


ropresident 發表於 2011-8-23 23:19

聽歌分析力雖然緊要, 但係一定既厚度都好重要~~

KING 發表於 2011-8-23 23:19

多謝你地既回覆先 我都覺得CD100 把聲真係幾暖 因為個間有shanling 既係最後先去 未試清楚
只係知道暖 ...
-Scandal- 發表於 2011-8-23 23:15 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif


-Scandal- 發表於 2011-8-23 23:24

本帖最後由 -Scandal- 於 2011-8-23 23:26 編輯

KING 發表於 2011-8-23 23:19 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

我好難試到CD100 定550C 既分析力好喎? 因為係唔同地方試speakers &amp 都唔同 我係初玩既 可唔可以教下我
仲想指教下 如果想升級係唔係550C 黠都好放D?

KING 發表於 2011-8-23 23:26

我好難試到CD100 定550C 既分析力好喎? 因為係唔同地方試...
-Scandal- 發表於 2011-8-23 23:24 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif


-Scandal- 發表於 2011-8-23 23:37

KING 發表於 2011-8-23 23:26 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

嗯 其實我上次試shanling cd-100 只係試左一首yesterday once more(係我自己帶去)就覺得佢暖聲就唔夠550C 好分析力 而550C 分析力好過CD100 但係就唔夠油和  所以唔知點遻擇

japangirl 發表於 2011-8-24 00:46

嗯 其實我上次試shanling cd-100 只係試左一首yesterday once mor ...
-Scandal- 發表於 2011-8-23 23:37 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

matt 發表於 2011-8-24 01:41

if you need anyalical sound, shanling may not suit you.
if you need guitor and vocal both good, this budget cannot find any.
as other c hing said, you can find good anaylical cdp then add some msg from cables.
then you are poisoned. long way to paly with cables.
if your amp + speakers are warm sound, buy thin sound cdp.
whole system need balance. there was a topic in HIFI show teaching us how to have balance sound system.

CDP - more on LF, then you need either neutal sound amp+more HF sound speakers, or HF sound amp + neutral sound speakers.
but if you want to listen more and balance sound from your system, you need whole system and cables in neutral sound. 
頁: 1 [2] 3
查看完整版本: 想買部入門既cdp 想ching推介一部岩我既

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