pbtour4il 發表於 2011-9-20 20:39

本帖最後由 pbtour4il 於 2011-9-20 20:43 編輯

美版 Street Date: 11 Nov, 2011

•1080P Widescreen
•English 5.1 DTS-HD MA
•French (Canadian) and Spanish DD5.1
•English SDH, French and Spanish subtitles
•Maximum Movie Mode
◦Blowing Up Hogwarts - An up-close look through the eyes of the stars and filmmakers as you watch the greatest battle unfold on screen - including 9 in-depth featurettes
•A conversation with J.K. Rowling and Daniel Radcliffe - Join Rowling and Radcliffe for an intimate and exclusive conversation about bringing the character of Harry Potter to life, and how their lives have been changed by the fame that they've both experienced
•The Goblins of Gringotts
•The Women of Harry Potter
•Deleted Scenes
•Warner Bros. Studio Tour London
•Pottermore Preview

•Anamorphic Widescreen
•English, French (Canadian) and Spanish DD5.1
•English, French and Spanish subtitles
•Deleted Scenes

pbtour4il 發表於 2011-9-20 20:52

英版 Street Date: 2 Dec, 2011

The Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2 Blu-ray 3D Pack and Blu-ray Triple Play contain the following special features:
•Blu-ray Exclusives:
◦Maximum Movie Mode hosted by Matthew Long (Neville Longbottom) and other cast members (80 minutes) - As the epic showdown between Harry Potter and Lord Voldemort approaches, don’t miss a single detail as the forces of Good and Evil clash one final time throughout the grounds of Hogwarts.
◦A Conversation with JK Rowling and Daniel Radcliffe - Join J.K. Rowling and Daniel Radcliffe for an exclusive conversation about bringing the character of Harry Potter to life, the last decade of films and how their lives have changed by the fame that they’ve both experienced.
•The Goblins of Gringotts - Hosted by Warwick Davis, you’ll see the entire process of becoming a goblin” in a Harry Potter film, from auditions and casting to makeup and prosthetic tests as well as filming the final scenes.
•The Women of Harry Potter – A look at the remarkable women in Harry Potter’s life and the critical role they play in the films.
•When Harry Left Hogwarts - BAFTA award-winning filmmaker Morgan Matthews has been given unprecedented access to the creative decision-making processes that have been kept as a closely guarded secret - until now. Hear the personal stories of the faces we know, and those we don’t, as we come to the end of one of the most successful eras in cinema history.
•WB Studio Tour London – The Making of Harry Potter
•Deleted Scenes
•Game demo of “LEGO Harry Potter™: Years 5-7 for PS3

The Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2 Standard Definition DVD contains the following special features:
•The Goblins of Gringotts - Hosted by Warwick Davis, you’ll see the entire process of becoming a goblin” on a Harry Potter film, from auditions and casting to makeup and prosthetic tests as well as filming the final scenes.
•The Women of Harry Potter – A look at the remarkable women in Harry Potter’s life and the critical role they play in the films.
•When Harry Left Hogwarts - BAFTA award-winning filmmaker Morgan Matthews has been given unprecedented access to the creative decision-making processes that have been kept as a closely guarded secret - until now. Hear the personal stories of the faces we know, and those we don’t, as we come to the end of one of the most successful eras in cinema history.
•WB Studio Tour London – The Making of Harry Potter
•Deleted Scenes

kennethc2k 發表於 2011-9-20 23:11


nicebeebee 發表於 2011-9-20 23:45


kennethc2k 發表於 2011-9-21 12:01

第出埋第七集part 2先連埋第七集part 1一次過睇!

tsuiyuen 發表於 2011-9-21 16:09


tmetb 發表於 2011-9-21 17:20


pbtour4il 發表於 2011-9-23 09:56

本帖最後由 pbtour4il 於 2011-9-23 13:28 編輯

台版 Street Date: 25 Nov, 2011


片  長:約130分
音  效:【2D】DTS-HD Master Audio: 英 5.1、Dolby Digital: 粵、韓、泰、國語 5.1
     【3D】DTS-HD Master Audio: 英 5.1、Dolby Digital: 國、粵、韓、泰語 5.1
字  幕:【2D】繁體中、英、葡、塞爾維亞、泰、印尼、粵、希臘、韓、簡體中文
語  言:【2D】DTS-HD Master Audio: 英 5.1、Dolby Digital: 粵、韓、泰、國語 5.1
     【3D】DTS-HD Master Audio: 英 5.1、Dolby Digital: 國、粵、韓、泰語 5.1



片  長:約130分
音  效:DTS-HD Master Audio: 英 5.1、Dolby Digital: 粵、韓、泰、國語 5.1
字  幕:繁體中、英、葡、塞爾維亞、泰、印尼、粵、希臘、韓、簡體中文
語  言:DTS-HD Master Audio: 英 5.1、Dolby Digital: 粵、韓、泰、國語 5.1


哈利波特:死神的聖物2 霍格華茲學院徽章禮盒版 DVD

片  長:約130分
音  效:英、粵、韓、泰語 5.1
字  幕:繁體中、英、印尼、粵、韓、泰文(花絮)繁體中、英、泰、葡、韓、日、西班牙文
語  言:英、粵、韓、泰語 5.1

pbtour4il 發表於 2011-9-26 12:10

本帖最後由 pbtour4il 於 2011-10-1 18:06 編輯

法版【哈利波特: 死神的聖物 (1) & (2)】3D 版 Street Date: 30 Nov, 2011

孫雲 發表於 2011-9-26 12:57

頁: 1 [2] 3
查看完整版本: Harry Potter 8【哈利波特: 死神的聖物 (2)】Blu-ray Disc

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