Eye One Display 2 (i1Display 2)
呢個 calibration device 得唔得? 我知多數人用 spyder, 唔知呢個正唔正? 本帖最後由 billy997 於 2011-8-21 01:36 編輯我咁問因為我見佢平左唔少, 我知佢已經 discountiued, 不過想粗粗地屋企用 (cal. projector, LCD TV, LCD monitor)
有冇人係電腦節見到平? 回復 2# billy997
冇咩人答, anyway 我都係 Amazon 訂左. 回復 3# billy997
呢隻pro過spyder TV wo.
訂左幾錢,有幾平 Eye One 是 Pro 的用家玩,Spyder 給新手入門。 本帖最後由 dominickwok 於 2011-8-22 14:33 編輯
呢個 calibration device 得唔得? 我知多數人用 spyder, 唔知呢個正唔正?
billy997 發表於 2011-8-21 00:48 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
i1Display2 and Spyder3TV are both colorimeter; i1 Pro is a spectrometer.Colorimeter and spectrometer are two different kinds of color measuring device.According to some experienced posters in USA's avsforum, test result showed that the accuracy of i1Display2 is generally worse than Spyder3TV.Since i1Pro is a spectrometer, it has a much higher accuracy than both i1Display2 and Spyder3TV.
By the way, I used Spyder3TV and achieved very good calibration result (judged by my eyes).Spyder3 should be ok (but accuracy does vary from unit to unit - be cautious). 回復 6# dominickwok
Thanks Dominickwok.
Many of us read the page about the use ofColorHCFR and the comparsion with different devices. The saying about the inconsistency between different spyder within the same models worries me. I dare not to try my luck to buy one and cross my finger to believe it is accurate. The worse thing is we cannot even know it is a good one or bad one but just use it to calibrate. That is why I got the Eye One, which costs me around HKD 1k which is much cheaper than before. 回復dominickwok
Thanks Dominickwok.
Many of us read the page about the use ofColorHCFR and th ...
billy997 發表於 2011-8-22 15:36 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
As far as I know, many AVSForum's posters did report their i1 Display2 also exhibit unit-to-unit variation. this one should be more accuracy{:1_345:}
https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-06NhasnPPw8/TlNmlWborTI/AAAAAAAADM4/LIpOZweXNO4/_MG_1206.JPG 回復billy997
冇咩人答, anyway 我都係 Amazon 訂左.
billy997 發表於 2011-8-21 22:58 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Ching, May I know ... you toys order isEye-One Display 2 or Eye-One Display LT (Lite)
US the price is $100 up ... Much interest to buy it. {:6_157:}