lawfai 發表於 2011-8-20 01:22

VDH Inspiration Hybrid speaker cable

Is it match with B&W speaker? My amp is Accuphase E-460

4pk 發表於 2011-8-20 04:26

回復 1# lawfai

    C兄部amp無接地好似尼隻ng系坩岩用,我中置HTM4用Teatrack Hybrid bi-wire,睇戲時人聲唔錯

4pk 發表於 2011-8-20 04:27

Inspiration Hybrid

The Inspiration is Van den Hul's offering for high performance twin lead (shotgun), bi-wiring or bi-amping applications. The stranded signal conductors are made of their highly advanced Fusion conductor material and are enhanced with LSC, a heavy shield and a higher grade Hulliflex jacket.

This cable also includes a separate central ground lead which, if applicable, is intended to serve as ground connection between speakers and amplifier reducing audio signal interference caused by external electromagnetic noise radiating into your power amplifier’s signal path through the loudspeaker cables. These measures keep your system’s noise floor low thereby allowing it to reveal more of the music's subtle inner detail, layers and textures as well as richer colors and tones. Ideal for digital or switch mode power amplifiers. Available only in terminated pairs with banana or spade bus connectors. 14 x 4 AWG
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