pkseto 發表於 2011-9-23 02:48

本帖最後由 pkseto 於 2011-9-23 02:58 編輯

yeah.I am still interested to buy 1 pair of prestige from pm me later.I browse this web-site almost everyday.

I am using Mordaunt short (not famous brand) for my 5.1 speakers.the centre and the surround speakers are premiere 30x in small book shelf sizes and the front speakers is Avant 902 in medium book shelf sizes.purchased them over 4 years.

seldom using the sub-woofer, because my wife complain the bass is too noisy. (I regret to buy a big big one I think buying a Velodyne/Sunfire in smaller size or yours is good enough)

I only not satisfy the surround sound performance, so want to change them to prestige law

ltcHD 發表於 2011-9-23 20:08

Mordaunt short依度都幾多師兄講吖,我都聽過聲(Alumni 2 satellite),依個價錢黎講都吾差喇

如果換Nanosat,佢既surround sound performance真係好好,師兄包冇後悔(PS:吾係賣廣告XD)

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查看完整版本: 吾應該玩AV既Mini Room Theater (Page3 #21 Mirage Nanosat終見天日)

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