wil-wil 發表於 2008-10-27 15:09

BD Player: Sony BDP-S350 US firmware V015 (Jan. 28 2009)

本帖最後由 wil-wil 於 2009-1-29 20:53 編輯

Official Web:

Filename:      UPDATE_BDPS350_VER015.EXE
Version:          010
Last Modified:Jan. 28 2009
Size:               49.42 MB
Download:   ftp://download.sony.com/US/bluray/UPDATE_BDPS350_VER015.EXE

Improvements over firmware version 010:
[*]Improves BD-Java compatibility to enhance interactivity with some BD-ROMs.[*]Improves BD-Live performance to enhance interactivity
Additional improvements over original firmware:
[*]Adds BD-Live functionality.      - BD-Live allows you to enjoy additional content and services while playing
         a BD-Live capable disc.
      - For optimal performance, we recommend that you use a Broadband
         Internet connection to access BD-Live content and services.
      - BD-Live content and services require external USB flash memory
         (sold separately) for local storage.

[*]Improves sensitivity to the Remote Commander® signal while the player is in stand-by mode.


(多謝 Law1987 兄提供以下轉載連結)

Filename:       UPDATE_BDPS350_VER010.EXE
Version:         010
Last Modified:Sept. 25 2008
Size:            56.23 MB
Download:      ftp://download.sony.com/US/bluray/UPDATE_BDPS350_VER010.EXE

Improvements over firmware version 007:

[*]Adds BD-Live functionality.
Notes:[*]BD-Live allows you to enjoy additional content and services while playing a BD-Live capable disc.[*]For optimal performance, we recommend that you use a Broadband Internet connection to access BD-Live content and services.[*]BD-Live content and services require external USB flash memory (sold separately) for local storage.[*]Improves BD-Java compatibility to enhance interactivity with some BD-ROMs.

Additional improvements over original firmware:
[*]Improves BD-Java compatibility to enhance interactivity with some BD-ROMs.[*]Improves sensitivity to the Remote Commander® signal while the player is in stand-by mode.

Terence 發表於 2009-1-10 13:32

1.請問點check自己部機係用緊邊個version firmware呢?
2.download左個file之後應該點做firmware upgrade呢? 要燒做CD嗎?
2.Home menu入面可以經internet check有冇firmware upgrade,

wil-wil 發表於 2009-1-10 14:09

How To Get the Firmware Update

[*]Power on the television and make sure it is tuned to the inputs to which the Blu-ray Disc™ player is connected.[*]Power on the Blu-ray Disc player.[*]If the player starts to play a disc, press the "STOP" button and wait until the xross media bar™ menu is displayed on the television before proceeding.[*]Use the arrow keys on the remote control to select "Setup" – "System Settings", and then press the ENTER button.[*]Use the arrow keys to select "System Information", and then press the ENTER button.[*]The firmware version currently installed on the Blu-ray Disc player will be listed on the television screen.


If the last three digits of the version number are 010 or higher, it is not necessary to install this firmware update.

wil-wil 發表於 2009-1-10 14:12

本帖最後由 wil-wil 於 2009-1-10 14:15 編輯

How To Get the Firmware Update

There are three ways to obtain the Blu-ray Disc player firmware update:
[*]Network Update:[*]The Network Update operation is straightforward, so it is highly recommended that you use the Network Update method.[*]You will need to connect the Blu-ray Disc player to your Internet source using an Ethernet cable.[*]Please see the Network Update Instructions section below, for more information.

Create an Update Disc:
[*]If you cannot connect the Blu-ray Disc player to your Internet source, please use the disc update method.[*]Please click the Download Now link at the top or bottom of this page to download the firmware update.[*]Please see the Download the Firmware and Create an Update Disc section below, for more information.[*]A drive with CD disc burning capability, and a new blank CD-R disc are required to create the update disc.

Request an Update Disc
[*]If you cannot connect the Blu-ray Disc player to your Internet source, please use the disc update method.   [*]If you cannot create a CD on your computer, Sony will provide a free disc containing the firmware update. Click here to order the firmware update disc.[*]After you receive the disc, please see the Disc Update Instructions section below, for more information.

wil-wil 發表於 2009-1-10 14:17

本帖最後由 wil-wil 於 2009-1-10 14:28 編輯

Network Update Instructions
The Network Update operation is straightforward, so it is highly recommended that you use the Network Update method to update the Blu-ray Disc player firmware.

Important Notes
[*]If you have not done so already, please check the current firmware version to determine if this firmware update is needed for your Blu-ray Disc player.
[*]WARNING!! Please follow the update instructions carefully. Failure to follow the instructions may interrupt the update process and may cause the Blu-ray Disc player to be unresponsive or to require repair.
[*]WARNING!! Do not power off the Blu-ray Disc player or disconnect it from the AC power outlet. Loss of power during the installation of the firmware update may cause the Blu-ray Disc player to be unresponsive or to require repair.
[*]In order to use this update method it is necessary to have the player correctly connected to an active Internet connection.
Note: If you cannot connect the player to your Internet source, please see the How To Get the Firmware Update section above for information about firmware update disc options.
[*]In order to perform the firmware update, it is necessary to have the player correctly connected to a compatible television.
[*]It is highly recommended to print out these instructions as a reference during the installation process.

wil-wil 發表於 2009-1-10 14:29

本帖最後由 wil-wil 於 2009-1-10 14:31 編輯

Firmware Update Instructions

WARNING!! Please follow the update instructions carefully. Failure to follow the instructions may interrupt the update process and may cause the Blu-ray Disc player to be unresponsive or to require repair.
Note: The firmware update process usually takes about 15 to 30 minutes, depending on system configuration and network connection.

[*]Power on the television and make sure it is tuned to the inputs to which the Blu-ray Disc player is connected.[*]Connect the "LAN(100)" terminal on the player to your Internet source using an Ethernet cable.[*]Power on the Blu-ray Disc player.[*]If there is a disc in the player, please remove the disc.[*]At the xross media bar™ menu, use the arrow keys on the remote control to select "Setup" - "Network Update" and then press the ENTER button.[*]The message "Perform version update?" is displayed on the television.[*]Select "OK" and then press the ENTER button.[*]The download process starts and the download screen is displayed on the television.[*]During the download the message "DL */9" is displayed on the television and on the player front display.
Note: The "*" changes to "0" through "9," indicating the download progress.[*]After the download is complete, the update starts and "VUP" appears on the player front panel display.[*]While the update is installed the message "VUP */9" is displayed on the player front display.
Note: The "*" changes to "0" through "9," indicating the update progress.[*]The firmware update is complete when "FINISH" appears on the player front panel display.
WARNING!! Do not operate or power off the player until this message is displayed. Doing so may cause the Blu-ray Disc player to be unresponsive or to require repair.[*]The Blu-ray Disc player will automatically power off.[*]Power on the Blu-ray Disc player[*]Check the current firmware version to confirm that the update has successfully installed.
Note: If the last three digits of the version number are 010, the firmware update was successful.

Terence 發表於 2009-1-10 15:27


wil-wil 發表於 2009-1-10 18:08

Haaa ... Just open the first post's link, copy & paste to you!
{:1_253:} {:1_262:}

好詳細啊!30533 30534 30535
Terence 發表於 2009-1-10 15:27 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

daken 發表於 2009-2-12 10:44

tks, updated~
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