BD Player: 飛記 9500 更新 1.09 firmware禽日終於有啦 (A區)
25/7/11 飛記HK官網up咗個1.09 firmware, 但upgrade 完後會變B區。之後send 咗email 比CS叫佢地跟進. 到禽日卒之有個新嘅1.09 啦。{:1_352:}
頭先剛剛試完, upgrade後一切正常,唔會變B區, 有興趣嘅C Hing 可以download: ching ,upgrade 完1.09 firmware ,will be better,thx c hing有咩改善? 謝謝~ hi brother有咩改善? Thanks! 據Philips講, 改善咗讀碟能力. 操作同畫質唔覺有分別. Thanks Ching unzip 的 file 是 mt8520_demo_dbg_image.bin,但部機話找不到 update file woo 其他Ching 是否都能成功 update? 我現在是 1.07 回復 7# danny_mo
You need to put the mt8520_demo_dbg_image.bin file under a sub folder "UPG":
Root directory of USB>UPG>mt8520_demo_dbg_image.bin.
Hope it helps. {:1_258:} 回復danny_mo
You need to put the mt8520_demo_dbg_image.bin file under a sub folder "UPG":
ming2002 發表於 2011-9-16 23:40
C兄,我都係upgrade唔倒,試過播隻A TEAM仲話我係C區唔比播!!!