mf01a 發表於 2011-8-16 23:39

1kHz = 1000Hz
所以你對front speaker 既 frequency response 應該係 43Hz - 25000Hz, 最低係 43Hz
surround speaker set 60Hz 無錯
另外應該有個 LPF (Low pass filter), 呢個就係set subwoofer 介入既frequency, 而你應該set 60Hz

nikon0305 發表於 2011-8-16 23:44

ching, 咁subwoofer 是否set bypass, 由AV amp 處理 LPF? thx

mf01a 發表於 2011-8-17 09:16

Yes, 或者一樣 set 60Hz

chung190030 發表於 2011-8-17 09:32

要睇你每一隻speaker 個 frequency response 最低係幾多 Hz, 然後照set
mf01a 發表於 2011-8-16 15:26


chhanthony 發表於 2011-8-17 09:54

Yes, 或者一樣 set 60Hz
mf01a 發表於 2011-8-17 09:16


mf01a 發表於 2011-8-17 12:17

如果師兄真係跟住官方個數字黎set既話,想信效果應該唔太理想喎,會唔會考慮下全部set返做80試下個效果對 ...
chung190030 發表於 2011-8-17 09:32
請問師兄為何照官方數字set 效果會不理想呢? 因為官方數字不可靠? 請指教指教, Thanks

chung190030 發表於 2011-8-17 13:24

回復 16# mf01a

Hi 師兄,我都係新手黎架咋!


Crossovers are always a slippery issue. Many 'audiophile' dealers don't necessarily sell them because (go ahead: squirm) they don't really understand them, and they require a lot of handholding therefore they can't make any money on them... and most speaker manufacturers won't admit or suggest that their speakers need a sub because they don't (or may not) make a sub; therefore they port their speakers in an attempt to get extra "free" bass and therefore the coupling and delay timing issue is made ever so much more complicated. Many customers that I talk to simply buy a sub (or two) parallel ("Y") the output of their preamp into the main amp and the sub, and are then unhappy with the results. They think that because their speakers go down to 38 Hz or 32 Hz or 27 Hz that they ONLY want to use the sub between 20 and 32 Hz... it simply doesn't work like that, because of the incorrect port, and the fact that the sub is simply not matched to the mains. The results are muddy, indistinct bass, and users who incorrectly attempt this setup often blame the sub.

Actually adding a crossover is really a WIN-WIN situation:

WIN # 1)Since you are now NOT putting in 20 Hz - 80 Hz into the mains you are not using up the available LF cone movement with bass, so the LF cone in your mains is able to play its higher freqs (up to IT'S crossover point) much more cleanly. You get an apparent 6dB or more dynamic range. You can play your system LOUDER, and also with less compression distortion in the LF driver when you're having that Saturday night dance party and you're playing urban bass technopop at 110 dB. Really.

WIN # 2)Since you are not putting bass into that same driver you are not Doppler modulating everything between 80 and 600, or whatever the next crossover point is. This means cleaner mids. By far.

WIN #3)You are not sucking current out of your main power amp at low frequencies, so there is more current reserve to play those highs louder...

WIN # 4)Since the cones aren't moving as far at the low freqs the driver itself is not generating as much back EMF therefore the damping factor and all of its issues are greatly negated. And you don't need to run silver plated cold water pipes to your mains as speaker wires because there is less current draw by the speakers.

WIN # 5)Freqs below 80 are now NOT causing transient intermodulation distortion with the higher freqs (and vice versa) in your power amp. Cleaner still.

nikon0305 發表於 2011-8-17 13:30

我部amp係onkyo 608, 前(tsi200)中(cs10)+仔(psw125)係polk audio, surround 係tangent evo4,thanks all ching.

里奧 發表於 2011-8-17 13:32

樓主用什麼amp , 喇叭 , sub仔 再決定分頻 . 就算前中置喇叭潛到50Hz , 都唔一定要set呢個數值 , 一來喇叭分頻係咪同數據一樣(有d吹大d ,有d就保受d) , 二來就係你部amp夠唔夠火力推(喇叭潛力大,不過部amp唔夠力一樣無用) , 三來就係重低音既級數需唔需要其他喇叭"就".如果喇叭全都低過80Hz以下 , 重低音又有番咁上下 , 先跟標準設定各聲道分頻在80Hz試聽一下先 , 如覺得唔岩聽先再慢慢微調各喇叭 . 只係響到講數值沒有多大用處 , 親身試左感受下先 .

mf01a 發表於 2011-8-17 13:40

本帖最後由 mf01a 於 2011-8-17 13:43 編輯

回復 17# chung190030

Hi 師兄,我都係新手黎架咋!


Crossovers are always a s ...
chung190030 發表於 2011-8-17 13:24
好深奧wor, 真係要慢慢消化吓先得。 多謝師兄提供!
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