新手想買 5.1 Klipsch vs Mission MX-4
新手想買 5.1 ....前置想用 Floor Stand speakers...50% 音樂 50% 電影今天到 MK 試聽, sales 介紹 Klipsch F-20 and Mission MX-4...Both are good to me
師兄們可否給我意見? 或者有無其他的提議??感謝感謝!! 我投Klipsch一票!! i like Klipsch.....不過50/50推介 Dail{:6_183:} Klipsch 比較易推 . 如要聽歌就唔駛要klipsch 感謝 ching 們...
maner394 ching, 你意思是 Dali?? 我可以去邊試試?
邊隻 model 同 Klipsch F-20 價錢接近?? 謝謝 Recommend Klipsch !! 多謝指點...我都幾喜歡klipsch...我會去 "兇"澤聽下Dali ikon5 再作決定 Ching can u advise how much are the Klipsh 5.1 and Mission MX-4? According to the sales, Mission MX-4 with 2 rear speakers and 1 central speaker total is $10,000.Price for Klipsch F-20 will be similar.