請問由 [眼睛] 到 [畫面] 計得5尺, 46"會否太大?
本身用緊37" , 換42"好似分別不大, 但又怕46"太大會睇得辛苦 ,過來人可否俾D意見? thx. 我同你諗緊相同問題............但我諗緊係32升42定升去46...........最擔心係睇戲上下果黑邊令到42都唔夠大........請問由 [眼睛] 到 [畫面] 計得5尺, 46"會否太大?
睇戲四十六絕對吾會太大,打機就另計!- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用
請問由 [眼睛] 到 [畫面] 計得5尺, 46"會否太大?
我5呎睇42吋,覺得細。- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用 我覺得好似大咗d 睇戲四十六絕對吾會太大,打機就另計!
lippito 發表於 2011-8-10 12:31 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
You can take THX recommendation as a reference (but just a reference only - you better try yourself in the TV store).THX recommends the subtended viewing angle (the viewing angle between the left edge to the right edge of your screen) is around 36 degree - which means the recommended viewing distance is around 1.5 x screen width (the details of the calculation is omitted here).The screen width of a 46" TV is about 40", and the THX recommended viewing distance is exactly at 60" (1.5 x 40"), which is 5 feet.
But this is for viewing cinemascope movie (e.g. 2.35:1 aspect ratio).For watching 16:9 content (TV or gaming), you may take some time to adjust (meaning you will "adapt" to it after some time). 我覺得好似大咗d
狐滴hp2210 發表於 2011-8-10 12:45 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
我都係大約5呎距離, 由42"升到46" 後覺得啱啱好... 可能宜家D 新款機個電視框細咗好多感覺電視好似細部咗TIM... {:6_165:} 本身用緊37" , 換42"好似分別不大, 但又怕46"太大會睇得辛苦 ,過來人可否俾D意見? thx. ...
kenji 發表於 2011-8-10 12:16 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Your TV can only be too small...It can never be too big! 呢個問題係我岩岩換電視時都有過經驗,42"同46"之間掙扎,最後都係去買左 46" LED,送左黎後開箱試機後屋企人第一眼的感覺係好大(電視同sofa 距離同樓主差唔多),比起係舖頭睇時感覺仲大d,連我自己都覺得有少少眼花花既感覺~ 係咪真係買大左呢?但慢慢用用下,過左一個星期左右已經習慣左,眼睛開始適應,睇戲時果種臨場感同睇電視果種高清感覺真係好正…而家連屋企人都話ok,好彩無買細~連老婆仲話下一部可以大多一個size 應該會仲正~{:6_174:} 我都係大約5呎距離, 由42"升到46" 後覺得啱啱好... 可能宜家D 新款機個電視框細咗好多感覺電視好似細部咗T ...
garyleeszelok 發表於 2011-8-10 13:33 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
最緊要自己鍾意 {:6_189:}