邊度買PanasonicTH-P50VT30H 最平呀?
我部 philip 大牛龜終於壞了,想買palsma,在論壇有師兄話 $26000度 跟 藍光機、阿凡達碟及4套3d 眼鏡,請問有誰知道?或那裡買平一些亦可。可pm 或電郵告知。謝謝。lclkc@yahoo.com.hk 我部 philip 大牛龜終於壞了,想買palsma,在論壇有師兄話 $26000度 跟 藍光機、阿凡達碟及4套3d 眼鏡,請 ...
gabriellaw 發表於 2011-8-9 19:39 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
I do not know the shop is good shop. {:6_220:}
They say that ..... U give the payment in cash, they will deduct again.
MK 西洋菜南街 ... U diy search google la
回復 2# Netmans
深水埗新X田$23xxx 可以{:1_338:} 回復 3# goodies
ching 深水埗新X田$23xxx 行貨?? 點解唔唸吓玩投投呢? 回復Netmans
深水埗新X田$23xxx 可以
goodies 發表於 2011-9-3 08:32 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
100% yes {:1_340:} 點解唔唸吓玩投投呢?
avlam 發表於 2011-9-3 14:18 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
邊有你地方咁大玩投投喎{:1_255:} 回復 6# goodies
I bought in AV Lxxx few weeks ago, $24XXX, 4 pair of glasses