請問有冇師兄用Audiolab 8000A?想請教問題。
請問有冇師兄用Audiolab 8000A?想請教問題。想買部合拼機,主要比黑膠唱盤用,用緊onkyo 808,會per out 比合拼機,前置喇叭用緊 QUAD 12L。
請問Audiolab 8000A 現時大約幾錢?
之前用過CREEK EVO,請問兩部比較如何?
請問有冇師兄用Audiolab 8000A?想請教問題。
想買部合拼機,主要比黑膠唱盤用,用緊onkyo 808,會per out 比合拼機,前置喇叭用緊 QUAD 12L。
請問Audiolab 8000A 現時大約幾錢?
之前用過CREEK EVO,請問兩部比較如何?
THXtennishk 發表於 2011-8-3 22:45 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
The price for 8000A varies quite a bit depending on version and condition...Hard to find a MK I in decent condition these days.You might have to scout around for a bit.
Why would you want to connect your 5.1 front speakers to the 8000A?Get a real pair of speakers for stereo...