無錢買cdp, 用bdp聽歌1. bdp hdmi to AV-amp to Int-amp (by-pass)
2. bdp to Int-amp (CD)
請問那款接法比較正常及聲音分別 無錢買cdp, 用bdp聽歌
1. bdp hdmi to AV-amp to Int-amp (by-pass)
2. bdp to Int-amp (CD)
請問那款接法 ...
jose 發表於 2011-8-3 11:24 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
First step
bdp RCA to Int-amp (CD)
bdp coaxial to DAC RCA to Int-amp
final step
cdt coaxial to DAC RCA to Int-amp Sorry! I don't understand. Is that I must connect with three steps together or choose any one step, for now I haven't the DAC and CDP. Thank you so much! 唔好用HDMI入AMP聽歌, 用RCA啦, 差好遠架~~~~ Thank you! 小瑟 總版管 回復 5# jose
聽歌, 用RCA and use a better rca cable,will be improve 聽歌