QED Signature HDMI ( ARC ) 請教....??
本帖最後由 r@y 於 2011-8-1 00:37 編輯小弟想問問QED signature HDMI是否SupportARC,可以將電視聲>>>Amp
我用緊Panasonic LCD TV & Yamaha 667 ,想知點Set...??
- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用 回復 1# r@y
YAMAHA AMP 入 set up 有得 選 arc 呢個 function
至於 signature hdmi 既 SPEC . 係 superfi web 係 :
From: 1 x custom-designed, 24k gold-plated HDMI connector
To: 1 x custom-designed, 24k gold-plated HDMI connector
Cable: Individual 100% Mylar Foil screening on all conductors and control lines. Over sized silver plated 24 AWG conductors
Functions: Blu-ray/DVD player and other sources to plasma or LCD screen or projector for the very best picture
Extra: Signal transfer capacity greater than 10.2 Gb/s. 1080p video and multi-channel HD audio compatible. This cable supports all the features of the HDMI v1.4 specification, including 3D, audio return & higher resolution support, but with the exception of Ethernet networking.
This QED cable has a lifetime guarantee. If it should fail after purchase, QED will replace it free of charge. 回復 2# kefana
link :
http://www.superfi.co.uk/index.cfm/page/moreinfo.cfm/Product_ID/6416 QED Sinature應該無ARC, 如果有就唔會題都唔題下....{:6_146:}
不過睇3D無問題, 我用緊{:6_193:}
QED Signature HDMI 請教....??
Thank you Ching!!- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用 回復r@y
YAMAHA AMP 入 set up 有得 選 arc 呢個 function
至於 signature hdmi 既 SPEC . ...
kefana 發表於 2011-7-31 13:31 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
including 3D, audio return {:6_158:} Ching 電視 & AMP 都Set 咗ARC On
Thank you!! 我都有呢個問題, SET完OK, 但熄機再開返就唔得啦...
我用緊YAMAHA467同Panasonic P46V20H 回復 7# r@y
打去 tom lee 問 下 囉.