《密探霹靂火》French Connection : Blu-ray (實物圖在第2頁)
本帖最後由 劉一舟 於 2009-2-19 02:03 編輯真赫曼初嚐金像影帝作品,英版12月1日推出1971與1975年兩集套裝Blu-ray!!!
The French Connection Disc 1: [*]William Friedkin Introduction to The French Connection[*]Audio Commentary by William Friedkin[*]Audio Commentary by Gene Hackman and Roy Schieder[*]Trivia Track[*]Isolated Score Track[*]Theatrical Trailer[*]French Connection II BD Trailer
The French Connection Disc 2: [*]9 Deleted Scenes with Optional Audio Commentary by William Friedkin (12 mins 50 secs)[*]Anatomy of a Chase (20 mins 36 secs)[*]Hackman on Doyle (12 mins 14 secs)[*]Friedman and Grosso remember the real French Connection (19 mins 34 secs)[*]Scene of the Crime (6 mins 19 mins)[*]Colour Timing The French Connection (13 mins 21 secs)[*]Cop Jazz: The Music of Don Ellis (10 mins 11 secs)[*]Rouge Cop: The Noir Connection (13 mins 56 secs)[*]BBC Documentary: The Poughkeepsie Shuffle (53 mins)[*]Making the Connection: The Untold Stories of The French Connection (60 mins)
The French Connection II: [*]Audio Commentary by Director John Frankenheimer[*]Audio Commentary by Gene Hackman and Producer Robert Rosen[*]Isolated Score Track[*]A Conversation with Gene Hackman (15 mins)[*]Frankenheimer: In Focus (25 mins)[*]Theatrical Trailer[*]Stills Galleries 港版BD都會出三碟boxset!!! 直情, 諗都唔駛諗, 必入:lol 美版第一集雙碟BD與第二集單碟BD將於明年2月24日上架!!!
French Collection
Disc One:
* NEW (HD) – William Friedkin introduction to "The French Connection"
* Audio Commentary by director William Friedkin
* Audio Commentary by actors Gene Hackman and Roy Scheider
* NEW Trivia Track
* NEW Isolated 5.1 Score Track
* Theatrical Trailer
* NEW D-Box Motion Control
Disc Two:
* NEW (HD) – William Friedkin discusses Deleted Scenes:
- Tailing the Frog
- The Whip Girl
- Devereaux at Work
- Mutchie´s Bar
- Mutchie´s Bar Part 2
- Girl on a Bicycle
- Street Walker
- Hector
* NEW (HD) Featurette: Anatomy of a Chase
* NEW (HD) Featurette: Gene Hackman on Popeye Doyle
* NEW (HD) Featurette: Friedkin and Grosso remember the real French Connection
* NEW (HD) Featurette: Scene of the Crime
* NEW (HD) Featurette: Color Timing "The French Connection"
* NEW (HD) Featurette: Cop Jazz-The Music of Don Ellis
* NEW (HD) Featurette: Rogue Cop-The Noir Connection
* BBC Documentary: The Poughkeepsie Shuffle
* Making the Connection: The Untold Stories of "The French Connection"
French Collection II
* Audio Commentary by director John Frankenheimer
* NEW Isolated 5.1 Score Track
* NEW (HD) Featurette: Frankenheimer in Focus
* NEW (HD) Featurette: A Conversation with Gene Hackman
* NEW (HD) D-Box Motion Control
* NEW (HD) HD Stills Gallery
[ 本帖最後由 劉一舟 於 2008-12-17 12:57 編輯 ] 原帖由 劉一舟 於 2008-12-11 18:53 發表 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
http: ...
公布, 想D人等港版XD
但又冇日期:L 本帖最後由 劉一舟 於 2009-2-6 02:00 編輯
第一、二集套裝批發價$380 又係個兩隻字仔 : " 必日 " 本帖最後由 劉一舟 於 2009-2-13 03:57 編輯
港版BD已上架!!! 請問 舟兄, 兩套特別收錄有中英字嗎? 唔該!{:1_339:}