估唔到... 菲x浦
是咁的...話說小弟早幾日購入菲記46" 8605, 裝好後都未有時間玩樂一番, 到佐weekend唸住駁曬d線開黎試下部amp同blueray, 突然發現玻璃屏靠底部入面有d異物(一小塊紙皮物體), 心情一沈, 唔通正如其他c-hing話, 若要生活好, 遠離菲x浦...
星期一立刻打去service hotline, 通話後, 小姐立刻話搵c-fu第二日上黎, 今日上完黎, 就二話不說,落order換個部.仲以為會sha我無得換...
真係要俾個like... 新既嚟到, 記住即刻check啦. 回復 1# joehan
Good luck buddy {:4_58:}
sorry to say, why choose Philips? Philips CS我覺得好過sony 回復 2# ricoy288
話說裝好後, 我的裝修c-fu有鑽牆...唔知道係我好采... 回復 3# Jackiewakusome
one very weired answer... my "boss" love the remote controller. {:6_123:}Of course, the europe made is not that bad when having the demonstration in the show room. 菲記技術同cs都唔錯的