Magin TV 預錄起格仔
請各ching指教! 用了magin tv 兩個多月, 近日預錄不成, 常起格仔; 不知從何入手, 但看電視沒有起格問題.RE: Magic TV 預錄起格仔
改正係 Magic TV 部機有冇接lan線? 試下唔接。 改正係 Magic TVwaiwaiwai3 發表於 2011-7-25 13:32
Try to format the hard disc.
回覆: Magin TV 預錄起格仔
會唔會係個Harddisk問題 Try to unplug all cables including power cord and reconnect and reboot it. 向同一段經常重覆用會系坩 各師兄,我都有呢個問題呀,不過我係USB直插電視錄嫁,我都唔知點算? 回復 7# 4pk咁應該點解決呀?
佢用邊段位錄,我可以點控制呀? 回復 9# wlchung531
Try unplug all cables and reconnect and reboot it. If still cannot work. Try to update the latest firmware.