Mirage Nanosat 5.1 + Pioneer VSX-LX53
左思右想, 選左依套5.1 搭 依隻AMP, 各位師兄請指教有冇問題?見Mirage 套5.1 好似出左好耐咁, 唔知邊到仲有得買呢? I use Pioneer VSX-LX53, 12L2 front, Mirage OMD5 surround, cheap cheap center, still thinking of whether buy Quad or Mirage as center{:1_342:} 回復 1# quently_e
MK有蛇好似仲有得買!{:6_182:} 回復 1# quently_e
ching 可去西洋菜街 “ 專業影院”有得買。
若可以買 Mirage OS 3 啦! I use Pioneer VSX-LX53, 12L2 front, Mirage OMD5 surround, cheap cheap center, still thinking of whet ...
pl876 發表於 2011-7-25 03:30 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
唔使諗啦, QUAD CL2啦, 前中置同品牌夾聲d~ 唔使諗啦, QUAD CL2啦, 前中置同品牌夾聲d~
timka 發表於 2011-7-25 12:12 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Thanks, I'm still persuading Ching avlam to sell me his CL2 ah{:1_260:} Thx all.. Ching
聽日去搵旺角搵下.. Thanks, I'm still persuading Ching avlam to sell me his CL2 ah
pl876 發表於 2011-7-25 14:28 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
avlam兄隻CL2係眾人既目標~{:6_181:} avlam兄隻CL2係眾人既目標~
timka 發表於 2011-7-25 16:43 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
He wants to sell with 9L2, but I only want the center{:1_260:} Thx all.. Ching