Sanyo Z4000 求救!!!!!
剛剛安裝好部機, 但接HDMI出唔到畫面, 只有藍色畫面, 但接VIDEO就無問題, 試過幾條HDMI線都係唔得, 買時試機都OK,有無師兄知點解? 你部amp係咪有兩組HDMI出嫁? Try to turn off 色差, 係 HDMI 都 turn on ! test:Connect only HDMI cable from player to Z4000. Select HDMI source from Z4000. Thanks very much for all your reply. Yes, it has 2 HDMI input but i couldn't find the on/off finction from the menu. Any of you are using Z4000? If so, can you adivse how to turn off the video and switch to HDMI?Thank you so much and look forward for your reply! 回復 5# scottietang
你可唔可以只插hdmi綫,其他乜嘢綫都唔好插住,睇吓得唔得先! Yes, i only try 1 input at one time 本帖最後由 gikifk 於 2011-7-25 17:07 編輯
我都試過...................好在息晒D機再開就OK............心情又好番 本帖最後由 papabaggio 於 2011-7-25 20:34 編輯
有時啲電器真係會咁,師兄試吓"蚊"哂啲綫,尤其是電源綫,再等15至20秒,跟住再插過睇吓得唔得。另外部AMP有冇搞番啱個source, Thank you so much for all your advise, however, i have tried all your suggestions but still doesn't work. So i guess i have to bring it back to the shop for further checking. Pleasae do let me know if any of you have other solutions! Thanks!