audionewhand 發表於 2011-7-24 20:21


本帖最後由 audionewhand 於 2011-7-24 20:50 編輯

I take care all of my 1000+ CDs.These marks are not scratches, fingerprints, dust, etc.Check your AMCD now.

903881997 發表於 2011-7-24 20:27

這麼快便"氧化"?!仲衰過以前啲 銀圈!

Netmans 發表於 2011-7-24 21:28

首創全港氧化 AMCD {:1_352:}

罗小佑88 發表於 2011-7-24 21:30


ballball 發表於 2011-7-24 23:21

Check 左三隻(只有三隻), 暫時還未發現有問題.

larcom2002 發表於 2011-7-25 00:35

Check 左三隻(只有三隻), 暫時還未發現有問題.
ballball 發表於 2011-7-24 23:21

之前買左 beyond o個兩隻 AMCD 都無問題阿 ....非常乾淨喎

阿正 發表於 2011-7-25 00:55

我現在一隻amcd也沒有,師兄的情況很特別,會否跟溫度濕度有關?或CD player 有否異常?

audionewhand 發表於 2011-7-25 06:27

本帖最後由 audionewhand 於 2011-7-25 06:37 編輯

I'm not sure if these marks are "氧化" or not.Luckily, I just got 4 AMCDs only (Lam 85 still factory sealed) because I'm not happy with the sound quality - totally out of balance and "EQ-sound".That's all.

I've never noticed such marks on other discs, even some of them are 20+ years 銀圈 from my collection.I don't think it's because of 溫度/濕度.Let's see what will happen with your AMCD......

Actually, I cannot find any information (to the moment) for this "4N Pure Silver, Made in USA, Limited/Numbered, etc" disc - just on the cd's booklet alone.

Anyway, I will not buy these high-tech AMCD anymore.Waste of money.Goodbye AMCD!

audionewhand 發表於 2011-7-25 06:48

Sorry, I miss a point - they played fine (up to the moment) though.{:1_351:}

audionewhand 發表於 2011-7-25 15:53

Any chings experienced the same issue?{:1_349:}
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查看完整版本: 幾隻全港首創AMCD變成咁!......

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