《雷霆喪星》Tropic Thunder (實物圖在第2,3頁)
本帖最後由 劉一舟 於 2009-4-5 04:54 編輯Ben Stiller自導自演作品,香港本月廿三日上戲院,美版預計11月18日三個版本上架!!!
- 1-disc theatrical cut
- 2-disc director's cut
- Blu-ray director's cut
- Extras on the 2-disc and Blu-ray releases will include commentary with Ben Stiller, Jack Black and Robert Downey Jr
- Featurettes (Blowing Shit Up, The Hot LZ, 7 Cast of Tropic Thunder features)
- Make-up test with Tom Cruise with optional intro by Ben Stiller and Editor Greg Hayden
- Full Mags with Optional Intro by Ben Stiller and Greg Hayden
- MTV Movie Awards - Tropic Thunder
- Rain of Mandess trailer
- DreamWorks Public Service Announcement
[ 本帖最後由 劉一舟 於 2008-10-11 01:41 編輯 ] blu-ray.com話十八號出喎 原帖由 hand神 於 2008-10-11 01:35 發表 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gifblu-ray.com話十八號出喎
Sorry打錯咗!!:L BD 下個月出, 重要係director's cut...
即係可以唔洗入戲院, 慳返! 美版雙DVD已見德發有貨,盛惠$2XX!!! BD見未呀 原帖由 hand神 於 2008-11-12 14:02 發表 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
昨天還未見!!!! 美版BD昨天已上架,德發價約$25X,比美版DVD只貴三十元左右!!! 得利港版DVD預計12月23日上架,藍光未有公布!!! 好期待果條commentary...:lol
"I don't drop character till I done the DVD commentary"...;P