市面上有否HMDI 1.4 分線器呢?
如小弟3D blue ray机得一個output, 而部舊AMP唔support3D, 可找HMDI 1.4 分線器, 一入兩出嗎? 一去3D TV出3D畫面, 二去AMP出聲.因我見大型店鋪兩三部3DTV放埋一齊出同一3D畫面, 但我無走埋去睇過点樣整, 我估唔係每部TV用獨立一部3D player掛? I suspect that HDMI splitter won't work in your case (but I'm not sure).When using a single HDMI output, the source equipment (your 3D player) will negotiate with all the downstream equipment (your 3DTV and AMP) to determine a signal format that is compatible with ALL the downstream equipment.Since your AMP does not support 3D, I suspect that the player will conclude that the "connected" equipment is not 3D compatible so it will only output 2D video (together with the HD audio bitstream) in its HDMI output.