Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Announced...
有 Ghost Rider 同飛龍, 正丫!http://xbox360.ign.com/articles/118/1182838p1.html
New edition coming this November that includes 12 new fighters bringing the roster to a total of 50.
Characters confirmed so far include: Strider, Ghost 'n Goblins villain Firebrand, Ghost Rider and Hawkeye. Capcom says it will reveal more characters in the coming months. Additionally, the game will feature a Spectator Mode, allowing players to watch matches online, eight new stages, and improvements to the the game's balance and online functionality.
Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 will cost $39.99 and comes out this November for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.
•Ghost Rider
•Iron Fist
•Dr. Strange
•Rocket Raccoon
•Firebrand (Ghosts 'n Goblins)
•Vergil (Devil May Cry)
•Nemesis (Resident Evil 3)
•Phoenix Wright
•Frank West (Dead Rising)
Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 - Strider vs Ghost Rider Video
Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 - Hawkeye vs Strider Video
Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 - Ghost Rider vs Firebrand Video
Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 - Firebrand vs Hawkeye Video
Pm0tPcz6jsY Expect!!!{:6_178:} 希望佢改返一樣野先啦, 而家網上對戰同一間房既其他人都唔可以觀戰............ 希望佢改返一樣野先啦, 而家網上對戰同一間房既其他人都唔可以觀戰............ ...
JKC710 發表於 2011-7-21 16:41 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
有觀戰就買,冇就慳翻.... 本帖最後由 DVD迷 於 2011-7-21 19:59 編輯
oVVT8XadsHk&feature=player_embedded#at=95 有觀戰就買,冇就慳翻....
marcolau 發表於 2011-7-21 17:51 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
我都係咁話,因為無得觀戰,白等好鬼死辛苦....{:6_124:} PS3封面
XBOX 360封面
有Vergil正{:6_140:} 我覺得..............俾人呃左d錢囉