Spyder3 TV調教P50V20h問題
買左Spyder3 tv, 玩左幾日, 亦都爬過唔少文, 小弟領悟力底, 希望呢度高手指點個Gamma真係好難set...
回覆: Spyder3 TV調教P50V20h問題
樓主可以試下加亮度減對比,但現時問題應該不大發送自我的 HTC Wildfire 大板凳 Are you using AVSHD 709 calibration disc?If so, use large APL window patterns to calibrate your grayscale and gamma.This is because plasma will limit light output when displaying bright scenes.So that's why your gamma is dropping at the high end.Use APL patterns to keep the Average Picture Level of all the 11 patterns (0, 10, ..., 100) constant in order to defeat the dynamic light output behavior in plasma.
Set the Brightness using the black clipping pattern.If you have already done so, don't change it.The Brightness control, although it can affect gamma, is not the appropriate control to adjust gamma.I'm not familiar with your set, but you should look for other controls specially for adjusting gamma - not the Brightness.Otherwise, you will mess up with the black level and shadow details. Spyder3 TV 請問幾錢同係邊度入手呢?thanks. Spyder3 TV 請問幾錢同係邊度入手呢?thanks.x2 Spyder3 TV 請問幾錢同係邊度入手呢?thanks.x2
victorwk1628 發表於 2011-7-24 07:55 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
I got one in Wanchai Computer Centre.I can't remember the price; it's something like $700 - $800. 回復 6# dominickwok
thank you!