本帖最後由 stm 於 2011-7-18 15:18 編輯今次好失敗,只係響walmart入左幾隻平碟。
Why not the Harry porter steelbook from future shop?- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用 個價幾底喎!有冇中字嘅呢??? 本帖最後由 tinlunlau 於 2011-7-18 14:04 編輯
avlam 發表於 2011-7-18 13:30 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Most likely, no.Chinese subtitles rarely featured in North American releases of Warner Brothers DVD/BD.
However, FOX releases usually do contain Chinese subtitles here. 回復 1# stm
加拿大是加版,和美版是否相同我就不知道,但封底一定吾同美版,加版有一個加拿大國旗 ,並寫明ONLY SALES IN CANADA。
本人喜歡買美版,有些封底寫明ONLY SALES IN USA 雖然有些也會寫 ONLY SALES IN USA OR CANADA,有些封底也有加拿大豐葉標簽但不是加拿大國旗。當然美版喋不一定美國做,有些美版是墨西哥做。我不介意這些但我一定不喜歡加版。 十一個幾加幣買隻The Fighter BD, 抵啦! HP not my cup of tea.........so bore!
無去Future Shop...........知唔知Best buy 係咪都有BD買??
Why not the Harry porter steelbook from future shop?
- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用
type_boy 發表於 2011-7-18 12:50 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif Wrongly selected, I change back to '其他'............
加拿大是加版,和美版是否相同我就不知道,但封底一定吾同美版,加版有一個加拿大國旗 , ...
DragonI 發表於 2011-7-18 14:26 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif Yes........no Chinese for all.........
Most likely, no.Chinese subtitles rarely featured in North American releases of Warner Bro ...
tinlunlau 發表於 2011-7-18 14:00 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif 乜加國既特產唔係鐵咩?{:1_262:}